Building on the success of a similar venture earlier this year, the Caddo Parish District Attorney’s and Caddo Parish Sheriff’s offices, along with the Caddo Parish Commission, plan to hold a gun buy-back in early May.

“Plans are well underway for the second installment of the Gun Buy Back Program and we believe that this will be even better than the first,” says Assistant District Attorney Mekisha Smith Creal, an event planner.

The buy-back will be from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, May 6, 2017, at the Peaceful Rest Missionary Baptist Church, 8200 St. Vincent Ave., Shreveport. The event will take place in the gymnasium at the back of the church campus.

The anonymous, drive-up event will offer $300 gift cards for assault-style rifles, $100 cards for .380 or larger semi-automatic pistols and $50 cards for smaller-caliber handguns, revolvers, rifles and shotguns. There is a limit of two guns per vehicle. Guns must be unloaded and in the trunk of the vehicle. Cards will be given only for working firearms, though non-working guns and ammunition will be accepted for disposal and destruction, with no payment. No negotiations will be made for firearms.

In January, the three parish offices held a debut buy-back that netted 41 firearms and provided 61 gift cards in return, worth more than $3,000.

For more information, call Creal at (318) 226-6832, ext. 1045.