A man accused of cutting his former girlfriend’s throat and killing her will go on trial in Caddo District Court at month’s end.
The second-degree murder trial of Kelvin Dewayne Brown II will begin the morning of Monday, October 30, 2017, in District Judge John D. Moseley Jr.’s courtroom. It will be a bench trial, which means Brown chose to forgo a jury of his peers and instead allow the presiding judge to determine his guilt or innocence.
Brown, 29, of Benton, is accused of the December 6, 2014 slaying of a former romantic partner, Alicia West. West, 33, ended the relationship shortly before the murder. She later was attacked and her throat slashed. She died at University Health.
Prosecutors will be assistant District Attorneys Britney A. Green and Ron Christopher Stamps. Brown is defended by Michelle Andrepont.
If convicted as charged, Brown faces a mandatory life prison term at hard labor, with no possibility of probation, parole or reduction of sentence.