During this national emergency, I want you to know that your District Attorney Office is still at work. I ask that we all follow the recommendations of the Center for Disease Control and the  orders of the Governor as we fight to end the spread of Coronavirus and return our lives to normalcy.

As self isolation and quarantine measures go into effect across the state to stop the spread of the coronavirus, domestic violence  victim advocates fear for the safety of abuse victims who feel trapped in homes with abusers during a time of great stress. I want domestic violence victims to know that help is still available to you at all times. The Family Justice Center of Northwest Louisiana is sponsored by the District Attorneys of our area, and is a one stop shop for victims to file for protective orders and to seek shelter from abuse. Please call them at (318) 584-7171 and they will guide you to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Caddo Parish Juvenile Court Clerk of Court’s office is also open every day from 8am – 4:30 pm at 1835 Spring St., Shreveport to obtain a protective order. You may call them at (318) 226-6751 for further information. Please report child abuse to the Department of Children and Family Services at 1-855-4LA-KIDS.

Remaining at your service,

James E. Stewart
Caddo Parish District Attorney