The Caddo Parish Grand Jury returned four true bills, four for murders and four for sexual crimes, in its session that ended January 16, 2025.

Erica Dewuana Hamilton, 26, and Osamaria Lanay Madison, 18, both of Shreveport, were separately indicted for the October 4, 2024 second-degree murder of Tracey Chapman, 43. Chapman was shot multiple times while riding as a passenger in a van in Mooretown. Chapman was at the intersection of Powell and Singletary streets when he was struck by bullets. His death was the 42nd homicide in Shreveport and the 45th in Caddo Parish in 2024. Hamilton’s case is docket No. 406316. Madison’s case is docket No. 405574.

Cornelius Treymon Jackson, 32, of Shreveport, is charged with the September 25, 2024 second-degree murder of Eric Clinton, 51, who was stabbed several times near Legardy Street and Martin Luther King Jr. Drive.

His death was the 40th homicide in Shreveport and the 43rd homicide in Caddo Parish in 2024. Jackson’s case is docket No. 404730.

Shaletha Deloris Arthur, 34, of Shreveport, is charged with the December 3, 2024 second-degree murder of her spouse, Albert Lott Jr., 32, at their residence on Dee Street in the Anderson Island neighborhood. Lott’s death marked the 48th homicide in Shreveport in 2024, and the 51st in Caddo Parish proper. Arthur’s case is docket No. 405479.

The four cases of a criminal nature were issued under seal with few details available.

Kerwin Kennedy, 28, of Shreveport, is charged with first-degree rape.

Curtis Rivers, 56, of Shreveport, is charged with first-degree rape and molestation of a juvenile.

Justin Rash, 18, of Keithville, is charged with first-degree rape.

Kennon Burdine Jr., no age or residence information available, is charged with first-degree rape.
