A Shreveporter who beat his domestic partner so badly that she was rendered unconscious and required hospitalization pleaded guilty to domestic violence charges Thursday, January 30, 2025, in Caddo District Court.

The jury had just been empaneled and was about to be sworn in before District Judge Donald E. Hathaway Jr. when Charles Pennington, 59, chose to plead guilty to all charges. Judge Hathaway sentenced him to the maximum prison term allowed, eight years.

On June 28, 2023, Pennington and his female partner of 10 years were in a residence at the intersection of Lynbrook and St. Vincent Avenue when he became enraged by jealousy and attacked the woman. The attack left the victim unconscious and she required hospitalization for her injuries. Specific charges to which Penning pleaded guilty were domestic abuse battery with serious bodily injury and second-offense domestic abuse.

Prosecutors were Assistant District Attorneys Ashlyn Thomas and Jason Waltman. Pennington was defended by Evan McMichael.

The case was docket No. 397735.
