Press Releases

Tory Reed pleads guilty to arson

Tory Reed pleads guilty to arson

A Texas woman who set fire to her boyfriend's mother's home pleaded guilty in Caddo District Judge Ramona Emanuel's court Monday, February 10, 2025, just as her trial for felonious simple arson was about to begin. Tory Reed, 37, was charged with setting fire to Sharon...

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Brandon McDuffy guilty of sex attacks on teen

Brandon McDuffy guilty of sex attacks on teen

A Keithville man on trial for inappropriate sexual activity with a teen girl was convicted in Caddo District Court Wednesday, February 12, 2025. The six-woman, six-man jury in District Judge Ramona Emanuel's court found Brandon McDuffy, 43, guilty of one count of...

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Barkalski Clark pleads guilty to domestic violence

Barkalski Clark pleads guilty to domestic violence

A Shreveport man whose trial was set to begin Wednesday, February 12, 2025, pleaded guilty just before proceedings were to begin in Caddo District Court. Barkalski Clark, 42, pleaded guilty to two counts of violence against his longtime dating partner, before District...

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Tory Reed pleads guilty to arson

Sanders guilty of family violence charges

A Shreveport man with a history of domestic violence was found guilty in Caddo District Court Tuesday, February 11, 2025, of strangling and battering a female domestic partner. Nakadrian Oshee Sanders, 24, was found guilty as charged of battering his live-in...

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Tory Reed pleads guilty to arson

Pennington pleads guilty to domestic violence

A Shreveporter who beat his domestic partner so badly that she was rendered unconscious and required hospitalization pleaded guilty to domestic violence charges Thursday, January 30, 2025, in Caddo District Court. The jury had just been empaneled and was about to be...

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Barkalski Clark pleads guilty to domestic violence

Jerry Jackson convicted of deaths in new trial

A Shreveport man convicted in 2019 of the 2016 slayings of his stepson and a neighbor, was retried and convicted again of the crimes following a U.S. Supreme Court decision, Ramos, that mandated unanimous juries in criminal trials. The six-man, six-woman jury in...

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Eckles swiftly convicted on sex charges

A Shreveport man whose trial on sex charges was delayed a day this week as he sat in a DeSoto Parish jail on unrelated charges was found guilty late Tuesday, January 28, 2025, in Caddo District Court. A three-man, three-woman jury in District Judge Donald E. Hathaway...

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Eckles located, returning for trial

A Shreveport man on bond, set to go on trial on sex charges in Caddo District Court Monday, January 27, 2025, LaQuinton Eckles, was arrested on an outstanding DeSoto Parish arrest warrant on Saturday.  When he failed to appear in Caddo District Court,  Judge Donald E....

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Tory Reed pleads guilty to arson

Dustin Metcalf pleads guilty to sex crimes

A Shreveport man who groped two juveniles and sought sex from them pleaded guilty to two separate sex crimes Thursday, January 23, 2025, in Caddo District Court. Dustin Metcalf, 26, pleaded guilty to sexual battery of a victim under age 13 and to indecent behavior...

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Dangerfield sentenced to two life terms

A Shreveport man convicted of two counts of manslaughter and a variety of drug and firearms crimes received two life sentences in Caddo District Court Thursday, January 23, 2025. Terrance Dangerfield, 27, received the sentences from District Judge Donald E. Hathaway...

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Quick Contacts

Victim Assistance
(318) 226-5904

Child Support
(318) 226-6871

Child Abuse Hotline

Report A Crime
(318) 673-7373

NWLA Family Justice Center
(318) 584-7171

Protective Order, District Court
(318) 226-6776 or
1 (888) 411-1333

Protective Order, Juvenile Court
(318) 226-6772

Ungovernable Child
(318) 425-1883